Huehue (WAY-way) for short. This Tacontento is in the city and department of the same name in Guatemala. Mexico is a stone's throw away, but you won't find any better tacos there. El Quetzalteco newspaper had this to say about the franchise inaugurated in late 2009.
Comida típica mexicana en Huehuetenango
Por Dany Castillo
Platillos tradicionales mexicanos, como los tacos y el caldo Tlalpeño, son parte de las opciones a disfrutar en la zona 1 de Huehuetenango.
Ofrecerle al público huehueteco un sabor diferente, en relación a la gastronomía mexicana, es el objetivo de los dirigentes de Tacontento, mencionó César Méndez, encargado de la franquicia. La inauguración se realizó en la 4ª. calle y 7ª. avenida, zona 1.
That translates to....
Authentic Mexican Food in Huehuetenango
by Dany Castillo
Traditional Mexican dishes, like tacos and Tlalpeno stew, are part of the offerings you can enjoy in Zone 1 Huehuetenango.
Serving up a different taste to huehuetecos, specifically Mexican gastronomy, is the goal of the founders of Tacontento, states Cesar Mendez, owner of the franchise. The inauguracion took place in Cuarta Calle (4th Street) and Septima Avenida (Seventh Avenue), Zone 1.
OK, so it isn't the most magnanimous write-up but the Huehue store has been a resounding success with the locals.
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